LEGION Model Builder Help

To Create a Socially-Distanced Waiting Area

The model must have accessible spaces defined. If accessible spaces are not defined, the command start methods are disabled, and the command cannot be started.

  1. Start the Socially-Distanced Waiting Area command .
  2. Draw the waiting area boundary, using either the rectangle or polygon drawing mode:
  3. The Socially-distanced Waiting Area Options dialog appears.

    Configure social distancing in the waiting area by doing the following:

    1. Set the Social distancing value. The default is 2.00 meters (or imperial equivalent).
    2. Select a Waiting Object type - choose one of these:
      1. Delay Point
      2. Target Waiting Zone
    3. Select a Layout style. Choose one of these:
      1. Freeform
      2. Grid
      3. Hexagon
    4. (Optional) Check the option to include or exclude Waiting Zones or Delay Points which intersect the boundary.
    5. Review the Object count. It displays how many objects are created when the command is complete.
  4. Identify a Base point which is the reference point for the object array.
    Note: The base point can be outside the boundary.
  5. Mark the row direction. What happens next depends on the selected Layout style option.
    1. For the Freeform layout, you can make bespoke row and column angle selections.
      1. The default column angle is the row angle minus 90°.
      2. The Column angle variation is limited to +/- 60° relative to the row angle.

      1. Rows direction, 2. Columns direction, 3. Unlimited variation for rows direction, 4. Limited variation for columns direction

    2. For the Grid layout, the objects are arranged as a square grid (oriented to row direction). The Column direction may be set at +/- 90° from the row angle.

      1. Rows direction, 2. Columns direction, 3. Unlimited variation for rows direction, 4. Limited variation for columns direction, +/- 90° from the row direction only

    3. For the Hexagon layout, the objects are arranged as a hexagonal grid (oriented to row direction). The Column direction has certain characteristics:
      1. Column direction may be above or below the row direction.
      2. Column direction is adjustable between +/- 60° and +/- 90° from the row angle.
      3. Objects are arranged as a hexagonal grid (oriented to row direction).

      1. Rows direction, 2. Columns direction, 3. Unlimited variation for rows direction, 4. Limited variation for columns direction, +/- 90° from the row direction only

  6. Base point, row direction and (where applicable) column direction are adjustable during the command (subject to the limits of the chosen Layout method).

    1. Unlimited variation for rows direction, 2. Limited variation for columns direction

  7. During the command, example Waiting Zone/Delay Point positions are shown based on the selected options.
    1. Any positions outside the boundary (or intersecting it, if boundary intersections not permitted) are shown in red.
    2. Positions outside accessible space are rejected.

    Example of a Freeform layout

    Example of a Grid layout with the objects placed at each grid-line intersection

    Example of a Hexagon layout grid with the objects placed at each hexagon center, and hexagons oriented to the row angle

  8. Press <Enter> to complete the command.
  9. Upon completion, a Waiting Zone or Delay Point property dialog is shown. Set the object details. All objects created by the command will share these details.
  10. Click OK to close the property dialog, and add the objects to the model.

    Click Cancel to exit the command without creating any objects.

    Note: The command may be canceled at any time by pressing the <Esc> key.

Objects added to the model.